Company news
Here in this section you can read all the planned Events & Events organized or participated by the Center for Molecular Analysis and Research SA.
Lectures & Conferences
Here in this section you can read about all conferences and scientific congresses in which the Center for Molecular Analysis and Research SA participates.

1st conference of molecular research 27-29 11 2009
1st conference of molecular research 27-29 11 2009...

Thyroid FNA diagnostics study
Thyroid FNA diagnostics study “A 9-gene molecular signature enhances diagnosis of thyroid nodular goiter” Tsoumalis G., Kalimani E., Sarantopoulou C.,...
Here in this section you can read all articles in newspapers and periodicals that referred to the Center of Molecular Analysis and Research SA.

ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ Popular Medicine
ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ Popular Medicine ΟΓΚΟΛΟΓΙΑ Η Εξατομικευμένη Ιατρική είναι ήδη εδώ ! Του Μιχάλη Πιτσιλίδη Ο μετασχηματισμός των φυσιολογικών κυττάρων...